Research & Development

Technological innovation is an essential part of being a leading manufacturer and continuing to develop and commercialize world-class products. Biosidus has consistently invested in updating and evolving the technical and scientific assets used in development and production of biosimilars. Innovations connects our capabilities with the needs of patients around the world, providing a platform to deliver the products that improve their quality of life.

The technological innovations implemented by Biosidus are the result of R&D work carried out by our team of talented scientists in our laboratories in the Almagro facility. We invest in the human capital itself to keep our scientific team fresh and robust, so that we remain competitive in the biosimilars market and sustain the financial capacity to continue funding the cycle of R&D and commercialization.

Research and development is characterized by creativity and innovative thinking, improving productivity and giving a competitive edge to our organization. Our main goal is to broaden our product portfolio through both the development of new products and improvement of existing ones.

Biosidus regards innovation as a leadership strategy, and it is one of the core values within our company culture. R&D has always been part of the our company but today innovation often begins with our Board of Directors, whose role involves promoting and enabling advances.

Our R&D department began in the earliest days of Biosidus as a small group of scientists at our Almagro facility and today it is a team of around 17 scientists, most of whom have PhDs or advanced degrees in the field. This team has successfully developed and commercialized nine biosimilars and virtually all work is done in-house. Resources are allocated efficiently so goals are achieved effectively.

The leadership team plays a vital role in selecting and training a team of highly qualified professionals that work in R&D. We provide ongoing and diverse training on how to carry out technological developments in the biopharmaceutical sector.

Our R&D work is conducted with transparency, responsibility and according to relevant industry standards and regulations. Our culture encourages creativity within the staff, leading to the development of optimal processes. We utilize proven, existing processes wherever feasible and release enhanced versions of these. We also feel that relationships with external academic or specialized support entities on a national and international level.